upclose photo of an ac leak

AC Leaks: Understanding Water and Refrigerant Issues and How to Fix Them

As temperatures rise, the functionality of your air conditioning (AC) system becomes increasingly crucial. However, AC leaks can disrupt its performance. In this blog post, we will explore the two main types of AC leaks, water leaks and refrigerant leaks. By understanding the causes and potential solutions for these issues, you can effectively address them.

If you’re facing AC leaks, it’s essential to seek professional assistance! The experts at Quarter Moon are here to ensure optimal system functionality.

Water Leak and Its Causes

When your AC system operates, cold refrigerant passes through the evaporator coil, causing moisture in the air to condense. This condensation typically drips into a pan and is directed outside your home. However, if you notice water dripping indoors, it may indicate a plugged drain line, a malfunctioning condensate pump, or a problem with the pan itself.

Issues with your pan could be caused by rust, corrosion, a full pan, or damage such as dents. While some homeowners can attempt fixes, it is advisable to call the professionals to identify and address water leaks in your AC system for optimal results.

Refrigerant Leaks and Its Implications

When your AC system operates, cold refrigerant passes through the evaporator coil, causing moisture in the air to condense. This condensation typically drips into a drain pan located underneath the evaporator coil. The drain pan channels this collected water out of your home through a drain line.

However, if you notice water dripping indoors from your AC unit, it likely indicates a problem with this drainage system. Here are some common culprits:

-Clogged Drain Line: Over time, dirt, algae, and debris can build up in the drain line, blocking the water flow and causing the pan to overflow.
-Damaged Drain Pan: The pan itself can rust, corrode, or become dented. This can create holes or cracks that allow water to leak out.
-Improper Drainage: If the drain pan isn’t angled correctly, it may not drain efficiently, leading to overflow.

Repairing Refrigerant Leaks

When dealing with refrigerant leaks, it is strongly recommended to rely on trained professionals to fix the issue. While patching or sealing products may seem like quick fixes, they can make the problem worse by causing blockages. Common signs of a refrigerant leak include inadequate cooling, unexplained increases in energy bills, unusual noises, strange odors, and ice formation on the evaporator coil.

Contact our HVAC experts at Quarter Moon to prevent minor issues from escalating into major problems! AC leaks, caused by water or refrigerant issues, should not be ignored. Timely attention and appropriate action are necessary to maintain optimal system functionality.